Kody Brown’s Exclusive Reveal: The “Special Requirements” He Had for Janelle and Christine to Join the Family

Kody Brown, the star of ‘Sister Wives’, recently disclosed the conditions he placed upon his wives before welcoming them into his family. In a sneak peek of an upcoming episode of the show, Kody explains some of the “special requirements” that he expected from his ex-wives, Janelle and Christine Brown. He also acknowledges that he was unable to give individual attention to all four of his wives due to spreading himself too thin. Kody introduces the concept of “sacred loneliness”, which refers to the isolation felt by women in plural marriages when their husband is not around as much. Christine laughed at this concept while Janelle described it as being “so dumb”.

SISTER WIVES, Kody Brown (center), surrounded by wives Meri, Janelle, Christine, and wife-to-be Robyn Sullivan, (Season 1), 2010-. photo: Bryant Livingston / © TLC / Courtesy: Everett Collection

The cast of ‘Sister Wives’ discuss the emotional struggles that come with being in a plural marriage. Janelle expresses her frustration with the idea of sacrificing one’s emotional needs for the sake of a plural marriage, while Meri agrees that it can be difficult for women. Robyn sees it as an opportunity to develop a relationship with God. Kody acknowledges the emotional difficulties faced by women in plural marriages but admits he is tired of hearing about their struggles, stating they all agreed to the arrangement. Mitch, who has experience with a plural marriage, notes that it’s hard to judge the situation without experiencing it firsthand and cautions against being too quick to judge others.

Sister Wives' Christine Brown and Janelle Brown at Logan Brown's Wedding

In the reality show Sister Wives, Kody Brown attempts to defend himself by explaining that he courted Meri and Robyn, but Christine and Janelle asked to be a part of the family. However, Kody had special requirements for them, mainly that they had to be committed to him and accept the possibility of having other wives. Janelle clarifies that it’s generally a woman who approaches the family and expresses an interest in joining, rather than a man seeking out wives. She also notes that Christine and herself didn’t deserve less than Robyn, who was “invited” into the family. Christine announced her departure from the marriage in November 2021, while Meri and Janelle both revealed they were separated from Kody in December 2022. Currently, Robyn remains the only wife still married to Kody.