“From Stray to Sweetheart: Heartwarming Story of a Blind Kitten’s Journey to Finding Her Forever Home”

As soon as Clara stumbled upon a social media post regarding a kitten that had been saved from the streets and was suffering from a serious eye infection, she couldn’t help but feel drawn to the little feline. Without hesitation, she got in touch with Maullando Libre, the animal welfare group that had rescued the poor creature. Clara recalls being informed that the kitten would likely be visually impaired for the rest of his life from the very beginning.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

@miscegatos shared an adorable picture on Instagram of a special needs kitten. Despite the challenges that come with adopting a cat with special needs, Clara was undeterred. This is because she already had Once, a blind rescue cat, and was more than ready to take on the challenge.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

The adorable kitten in the photo, as seen on @miscegatos’ Instagram account, had a rough start in life. He was living on the streets until a kind-hearted shelter volunteer rescued him at just three months old. Sadly, when Clara first laid eyes on him in September 2019, he wasn’t in good enough health to be adopted. He had contracted a severe eye infection from the herpes virus, which almost took his life. To make matters worse, he also had mites, respiratory issues, fungi, parasites, and fleas.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

The adorable ginger and white kitten was lucky to have Clara, who patiently nursed him back to health. The little feline spent a considerable amount of time at the vet’s office, where he received different kinds of treatments to save his eyes. Luckily, Clara was more than willing to wait until the kitten was fully recovered.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

The picture shared by @miscegatos on Instagram shows a cat who had to undergo surgery to remove his eyes due to an infection that caused irreparable damage. Although some suggested that euthanasia would be the kindest option for the cat, Clara believed that her furry friend could still lead a happy life, despite his blindness.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

After undergoing a successful procedure, the tiny blind cat managed to recover and was finally taken to Clara’s home in Málaga, Spain in January 2020. In order to give him a new name that would symbolize his new beginning, Clara named him Siete, which translates to seven in Spanish. In some parts of Spain, cats are believed to have seven lives, hence the name choice. Additionally, Clara chose the name because seven is considered a lucky number.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

Siete, who cannot see, quickly got used to his new environment but had a bit of trouble with the stairs in Clara’s house. However, he overcame this challenge in a short amount of time and now knows to go down the stairs using the inner side. According to Clara, Siete adapted well to his new home despite being visually impaired. A photo posted on Instagram by @miscegatos showcases Siete’s adorable personality.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

Siete, a blind cat, has been thriving after five months and proves that visually-impaired felines do not necessarily require more attention than others. Many people assume that blind cats need special care, but it is not the case for Siete and other cats with similar challenges. Clara, his owner, explains that these cats can adapt and be content with their lives, they just need more time to adjust. Surprisingly, Siete has even displayed his hunting skills by catching flies!

Siete isn’t just a fly hunter, he’s a playful cat that loves spending time with his toys and basking in the sunny courtyard of his family’s home. Despite being blind, he gets along well with his adoptive brother Once and proves that blind kittens can be just as happy and independent as any other cat. His owner Clara wants to show the world that adopting blind kittens is a great decision as they are self-sufficient and loving pets. Siete, who lost his sight due to an infection from living on the streets, is grateful to have found a loving home and enjoys giving his humans plenty of affection. He is truly a cherished member of the family.

ginger and white blind rescue kitten

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