SHOCKING NEWS!!! Sister Wives Family Member Exposes Kody Brown’s Sinister Plot For Mistress


Sister Wives star Kody Brown is raising some eyebrows following the recent statements of a family

member. The 55-year-old has been through so many controversies since his family’s downfall. Three of

his four wives left, and many believe he’s the one to blame. But it seems there are more things fans don’t

know about behind cameras. Keep reading to see a family member expose Kody’s sinister plot for his mistress.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown’s Nephew Leaks Season 19 Release Date

Kody’s nephew, Benjamin, has been entertaining the fans while everyone waits for Sister Wives Season 19. He recently claimed that the new season would drop in August. According to Benjamin, he’s currently watching the entire series, as he has never watched it before. But he was shockedaout how polygamy was portrayed in the reality show, forcing him to open up about the nasty secrets of the family, especially Kody.

Kody Brown From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTubeKody Brown From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Benjamin Exposes Kody’s Sinister Plot For Mistress

Aside from leaking Sister Wives Season 19’s release date, Benjamin has also made shocking statements in one of his TikTok videos. One is about how Kody introduced “mistress” Robyn to the family. According to him, he already knew it would be a disaster as he watched the first few episodes of the series. He even laughed at how Kody tries to “integrate” his mistress into the family before saying, “Oh there’s gonna be so much heartbreak oh.” Benjamin later said that TLC portrayed a very different image of polygamy, adding that they’re usually broke and struggling. This makes Kody’s decision to add a mistress with a single mom more questionable.

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Benjamin claimed that Kody would travel four hours to spend time with Robyn while leaving his three wives and their children. Christine, Meri, and Janelle had their worries when Robyn came into the family as a single mom with three kids. However, an insider claimed that Kody told his wives to suck it up and just agree to what he wants, even with all their money problems. Another source also stated that Kody got addicted to having s*x with Robyn to the point that they locked their doors for the entire day, leaving the kids to look after each other.

Sister Wives: Benjamin’s Difficult Past With The Brown Family

Benjamin has also been transparent about the life he had in polygamy. According to him, he also lived in a polygamist family when he was younger. However, he claims that his life back then wasn’t great. He even said that he’s from the part that TLC didn’t want to show, as it would ruin the image of polygamy. But he revealed that he was a victim of labor trafficking.

@thefreshkingbenjamin#thefreshkingbenjamin #sisterwives #sisterwivestiktok #mormon #mormonpolygamy #polygamy #comedy♬ original sound – The Fresh King Benjamin 👑🎤💚

His freedom was taken away from him at a young age. He was forced to work at his father’s bakery. Benjamin’s father is Kody’s older brother, and he claims that he had spent some time with his uncle before Kody began filming for Sister Wives.

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